Result of bounced cheques
The number of people that have credit cards, loans and owe debt on getting higher every year and now with the job losses r lessened income, it is becoming more and more problematic for a huge number of people to repay back the debts that accumulated over a period of time. The situation is also worse when such troubles in repayment of debts are considered as a criminal offence. The India law describes and criminalizes dishonor of cheques. The different acts included in the scope of dishonor are as follows: 1. Drawing of cheque without funds which can be withdrawn or with funds less than the cheque amount. 2. After issuing the cheque, withdrawing all or parts of the funds and rendering the balance insufficient to settle the cheque amount. This is where new need a cheque bouncing case lawyer to resolve the case. Therefore, it is noticed that in all the above mentioned criminal acts, two required components are bad faith and knowledge. These components are usual...